Constitution for the Arts

Where does the cutting edge of Tech meet the cutting edge of  Art? How can we bring together the twin generators of the Seattle Renaissance? There is someone who built a computer in a garage waiting to meet someone who did a video of Euripides The Trojan Women performed by Barbie dolls. Someone who writes code waiting to meet someone who writes lyrics. Existing institutions, already overburdened, cannot do the job of making these connections. We need to open as many gateways as possible.

The movie STARGATE imagined a doorway connecting earth with a distant planet. What we need are ARTGATES that will connect the Planet of New Art with the Planet of New Money. Open an ARTGATE at every vibrant company, software or hardware, coffee or online bookselling. It can be an office, a website, a bulletin board, a company representative who already puts together information and seminars about philanthropic activity. For example, once a month, the ARTGATE opens and any executive looking for the right board to join can visit an emerging Seattle arts group (different one each month) for a special performance and a reception-meeting with the artistic director and staff. No pressure to give or join; only an opportunity to check out chemistry or rapport, to explore common visions and possibly make a  connection. Arts groups will take the responsibility for making themselves available and informing the ARTSGATE rep at each company, who will take responsibility for disseminating it within the company and getting a head count for the performance.

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